Couse cancer | As quoted by the National Cancer Center Dharmais Hospital Jakarta that the cause of cancer is not known with certainty. Because the cause of cancer is a combination of several factors, both genetic and environmental. However, according to the National Cancer Center , there are several factors that can increase a person suspected of cancer.
Whereas the causes of cancer are:
heredity factors
Genetic factors will cause some families will have the risk of certain cancers when compared with families with no history of cancer.
Environmental factor
Several environmental factors that can cause cancer are smoking, ultraviolet rays, and ionizing radiation. Smoking is a bad habit that can improve oral cancer, lung cancer, larynx (voice box), as well as the bladder. While exposure to ultraviolet light and ionizing radiation (the carcinogenic) used in X-ray in generated from nuclear power plants and atomic bomb explosions that can reach very long distances.
Dietary factors
Another factor that causes cancer can also be caused by food that is made from chemicals. Especially the risk of cancer of the digestive tract.
virus attacks
Viruses that can lead to cancer which Papilloma Virus, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B virus 4, Epstein-Bar 5, Retro Virus in humans eg HIV virus which causes lymphoma and cancers of the blood.
Parasite Schistosoma (bilharzia) one of the causes of bladder cancer because of their chronic irritation of the bladder.
Bad habits of men
Habit in doing someone that can lead to the risk of cancer are smoking and eating too many fatty foods, preserved meat and drinking beverages containing alcohol. In addition to sexual behavior at an early age with multiple partners can also lead to cancer.
Disruption of hormonal balance
One of the hormones that can trigger cancer cell growth and stimulate the hormone estrogen, while the opposite is the hormone progesterone can protect the body from excessive cell growth. There is a tendency that a person with an excess of estrogen and progesterone hormone deficiency may cause increased risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, cancer of the prostate and testicles in men.
Psychological factors
Severe stress which can cause a person's natural balance of the body cell. In a continuous state of tension that might affect the cells, which would make the cells become malignant hyperactive and causing cancer.
Free radicals
Free radical is an atom, group of atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons that are free in the outer circle. As for sources of free radicals among which free radicals are formed as a byproduct of the process metabolism, free radicals are derived from chemical toxins from food, drink, air pollution, and ultraviolet light. Free radicals are derived from the time we eat too much (impact on metabolic processes), as well as excessive stress both physical stress, psychological and biological
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